Get Real Results!

Shellie is not a model, she’s a real girl; a busy mom of three boys, a wife, a volunteer and many, many other things…. now a Maddog Athlete she was brave enough to make a change.

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Meet Shellie, she is a Maddog athlete….Her story is not necessarily unique except that it took place during a time when most people fell off their health fitness and lifestyle routines! COVID-19!

Shellie joined Maddog 5/1 just weeks before the world shut down. She never thought of herself as an athlete, and because her appearance as a thin and petite girl she never worried too much about her physical self until one day… During her yearly physical a body biometric screening revealed the truth. It was not a good truth and it sparked action for change in her life.

Shellie joined many “gyms” and got tired of being member number “whatever” so she wasn’t sure the Maddog journey would work her either. She began her fitness routine at Maddog thinking it would be a quick 6 weeks poof, fit! The perfect physical transformation gong to be her story! Shellie soon learned that was not reality….

This was not going to be a sprint but a journey; a lifestyle that took time and energy. “It’s not just about showing up it’s about putting yourself into your agenda everyday.” “I never put myself on the list, I never realized the physical, the menta and the emotional is all connected. ” When I started showing up for myself and I finished those hard workouts it gave me confidence so I start my day feeling like ok, I got one great thing done for me. I’m a better mom, a more patient mom and I’m able to encourage my kids in a way I never have before because they’ve seen the transformation.”

This year when Shellie had her biometric screening done her doctor was blown away! She was so pleased when her physician announced “your numbers from last year and your numbers form this year are “diametrically different”. They have improved so much , he asked: “what have you done?”. Shellie replied she changed. Started working out, started being consistent, eating better. Working out ignited her interest in eating better, feeding her family differently and everyone felt better.

Yes, physically it’s a great feeling when those jeans button up and fit, that’s wonderful and great but it’s the whole picture~ the whole person. Physical, mental and emotional journey of being strong not just physically but on the inside as well. “It’s just been life changing.”

Remember, Shellie began her Maddog journey just before the Covid-19 shut down. Instead of dismissing her newly found devotion at Maddog 5/1 she joined the Virtual Maddog classes. She continued on her path all the while home schooling her three boys and handling the stress of everyone working form home, staying home and being home, day in day out.

At Maddog 5/1 we don’t see our athletes as just another number on the spread sheet. We are studio full of Shellies. We all have busy lives and special circumstances. We have bad days and busy days. We invest in each and every person that walks through the door into the studio filled with laughter energy and great tunes. We take this journey one day at a time one workout at a time. We build bodies; yes, but most important is that we build a community of friends that show up for themselves and each other. Walk in alone, leave with a community of friends by your side. Inside and out, we make a difference when we come together in the studio and in our new virtual world.

Don’t stand outside of yourself and wonder how good it feels to be fit; mind and body. Open the door, jump in with both feet~ we know how good you can feel and we’re lots of fun too!

Get Real Results!


Goodbye Covid-19 Hello Recovery!


Maddog loves burpees!